Client |
Except Integrated Sustainability – Island Renaissance
Location |
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Role |
Program Management, Business Development
Objective |
Develop and roll out the Sustainable Island Quick Scan (SIQS) on 4 islands to establish the research and development base for further development of the Sustainable Island Scan (SIS).
Description |
The Sustainable Island Quick Scan provides quick insight in the current state of an island in terms of sustainability and resilience. The scan uses 14 different indicators that define the island in terms of its energy/materials balance; state of land-based and marine ecosystems; social and cultural indicators; economic, infrastructure, education and governance factors; and health and happiness of the local community. The scan approaches the island as an integrated system to allow for simple interventions to be analysed on their merit on multiple aspects of the island’s resilience and sustainability.
Approach |
With a multi-disciplinary team of sustainability and island experts, Except developed the SIQS for its program Island Renaissance. As program manager MABS was responsible for organising and facilitating the development workshops, coordinate the research efforts and design.
Results |
The beta-version has been tested using readily available data from the internet and some local knowledge offered by several individuals. Currently, Except-Island Renaissance is approaching island to roll-out and test the SIQS further.
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